Within a waiting period of 15 years, the Casa de Diamantes church and its community in Tegucigalpa, Honduras dreamed of the municipality to aid in constructing a bridge and storm drainage system. After long days and nights of hard work—fueled by the hopes of uniting two communities, easing many lives, and giving protection to children crossing the arroyo to attend school—the Aggies Without Limits has achieved it.
The international project consisted of two primary endeavors: building a 100 ft pedestrian bridge that had been consecutively destroyed by hurricanes; and constructing an 80 ft stormwater drainage system. These nuanced specs, designs, and questions that were raised each day wouldn’t have been addressed without the positive attitude of our participants and community members. Over 4000 pounds of concrete were mixed in 4 days and many planks were cut to fit exact measurements. Everyone played a part and carried responsibility in this trip, guided and unified by one shared mission.
The AWL group pitched a picturesque tent camp inside the local church and in the available open field, where days began at 7 a.m. with a wonderful breakfast cooked by different family members of the community. AWL members had the opportunity to interact with the local kids both during these mealtimes and after they finished their duties. We were able to play soccer, jump rope, paint, and draw, as well as teach them about some of our ways here in the states.
This trip allowed for new doors to be opened: community members learned new skills, the local children saw that change can be done with hard work, and above all, AWL communicated with new people that hopefully give light to future projects.
Community of Casa De Diamantes saying thank you to us!