Hire a group of up to twenty students for any odd jobs, moving furniture, landscaping, and yard work.
Daisy Chain rates are $12.50/hour per person.
We will work in Las Cruces, El Paso, Deming, Cloudcroft, and T or C.
100% of the proceeds from Daisy Chains go directly to the students' fund for the annual international project.
Email ewb@nmsu.edu or bgarvizo@nmsu.edu to schedule your chaingang today! We will respond to your request within 72 hours.
Request must include:
-Your name and phone number
- A description of the job
- Time (in hours) estimate of length of job
- A job location
- Estimate of how many workers needed
Please submit requests a minimum of one-two week ahead of your Daisy Chain. This gives us time to coordinate our members so they can help you. Keep in mind, the bigger the Daisy Chain, the more advance notice is needed.